[nycphp-talk] Joomla Site Home Page Loading Slowly

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Tue Feb 12 11:40:28 EST 2008

On Feb 10, 2008 8:20 AM, Randal Rust <randalrust at> wrote:
> This morning, I noticed something very strange. The only page that
> seems to be loading slowly is the home page. If I type the URL of
> another page into the address bar, it will load with no problem at
> all.
> This is a Joomla 1.012e install. Is there anything that I should be
> looking at in an attempt to resolve this issue?

Latest release in the 1.0 series is 1.0.14, which has performance
tweaks, security fixes and some bug squashage. I'd consider running up
a parallel install of the site in another vhost, doing the upgrade and
seeing if that solves your issues - and even if not, you should test
to see if the upgrade was smooth, as you could probably use the added
security tweaks.

As for your front page issues, you need to take a look at what modules
are included on the front page only of the site. Chances are, you got
a module that is trying to fetch a remote resource (RSS feed maybe?)
and is simply timing out on you, blocking the page from finishing the
download (and render) to the browser.

-- Mitch

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