[nycphp-talk] Addcslashes bug

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Tue Feb 12 07:15:37 EST 2008

> This doesn't make sense.  How would a slashing failure lead to a parse
> error?  Parsing should always happen first.  Were you hacked?  Are you
> sure it isn't an unsafe include?

No eval() in the code.

PEAR Config writes a PHP array file like so:


$config = array(
  param1 => 'value',
  param2 => 'val'ue2',

The writing process is what failed to generate the backslash. The parsing
happens on subsequent page loads. The strange thing is that I have not been
able to reproduce the error and I looked the the PEAR Config code, which
does use addcslashes($val, "\\'").

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