[nycphp-talk] SoapClient - Worthless?

Hans Kaspersetz hans at
Tue Feb 12 09:22:25 EST 2008

> As it ends up, though, I've ended up eating these words, thanks to our
> friends over at MySQL.
> Through much debugging, I finally discovered that any socket connection
> to a https:// URL would cause the segfault - even something as simple as
> file_get_contents().
> Though not well described across the web, there is a symbol conflict in
> versions around MySQL 5.0.27 and OpenSSL.  Thus the segfault.  Upgrading
> to MySQL 5.051a and recompiling PHP against those client libs, and the
> problem mysteriously fixed itself.
> This isn't the first time odd symbol conflicts have happened with
> libmysqlclient.  I can't pin it down now, but I do remember a very
> similar issue not long ago.  Hopefully Sun can push some testing
> practices, even if it is for PHP.
> H

We had a problem with Curl and PHP segfaulting with specific versions of 
MySQL.   Our troubles were on the 5.0.x  branch of MySQL and we ended up 
needing to regress from the latest for a while.  I think 5.0.36+ fixed 
the issues.  It was a real PITA to figure out and the only solution we 
found was to keep compiling versions of MySQL until we found the right one.

Hans K

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