[nycphp-talk] SoapClient - Worthless?

Hans Zaunere lists at
Mon Feb 11 17:57:58 EST 2008

> On Feb 10, 2008, at 9:04 AM, Hans Zaunere wrote:
> > This isn't the first time odd symbol conflicts have happened with
> > libmysqlclient.  I can't pin it down now, but I do remember a very
> > similar issue not long ago.  Hopefully Sun can push some testing
> > practices, even if it is for PHP.
> Yes!  I've also had segfaults with mysql/php... upgrading and
> rebuilding everything fixed it.  I think it was something with a 64
> bit architecture, but that's off the top of my head.  When's that
> native mysql driver coming for php?  Looks like a dev version is
> available.  Anyone try it?

I've played with it a bit, but it never struck me as being so cool to
warrant a move to it quite yet.

In general, segfaults could also happen because of mismatched libmysqlclient
versions and architectures (compiled for i386 or x86_64, for example).
Something that is always tricky (not only when compiling against
libmysqlclient) is getting PHP to link against the right libs (look at
--with-libdir=lib64 which is something I requested some time ago).

I've also reported this bug recently:

> Also get segfaults with xml services now and then.  We've been using
> SoapClient with the National Weather Service WSDL.  It seems that
> everything has been running smoothly with that as far as I can tell.
> The code using it has been in production for a couple months.

I'm currently using SoapClient, and although improved, it's still a little

Ironically enough, NYPHP was recently approached by this group:

and specifically:

It's built on some solid XML/SOAP technology, and from messing with it a
little bit, looks very promising.  I'm actually discussing some issues with
their developers, surrounding complex WSDLs (which always seem to be a
problem).  They're releasing a new version this week, and from what they've
shown to me by using some test WSDLs, it's going to be solid.  And it
includes automatic class generation from the WSDL, which is the way SOAP is
supposed to be - finally in PHP!

> Anyone ever get a segfault with debug_backtrace?  Had to disable the
> use of that on a couple of our servers.  Never could track down the
> cause of it.

I hear you - a real time killer, so generally I don't have the chance to
research... gone are those days...


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