[nycphp-talk] Dynamic Form Elements

Peter Sawczynec ps at
Wed Feb 13 05:38:19 EST 2008

Well, then even more power to google for their overall innovation. 

But, my points when I am in a backwards compatibility discussion is not
about the literal code and compatibility issues, instead I am trying to
make the point that I feel that there is major benefit to be found in
innovating with code and not simply conforming the existent code to be
ever more compatible with the way things used to work in the past and
are every moment becoming ever more rapidly even more irrelevant. 

And I agree again, google's real success was not in their highhanded
technical code prowess, but it was in their "invention." They made
search a valuable modern tool in fresh ways. They massified the
potential of targeted advertising on the web better than how it had been
done before. 

So my central point(s) remains that programming innovation is more
important and should always be a larger ongoing vital concern than
backwards compatibility. 

Users, consumers, businesses and their clients are always willing to
innovate with you even at tremendous temporary inconvenience and cost.
Entire governments will change international legislation to match the
rise of innovation(s) (like HD TV, fiber optics, DVDs, GPS, electronic
payments, digital photography  << there's no backwards compatibility in
here. go ahead, go use a paper check at the grocery store to pay for
your shopping).

And it seems to me that all initially nonbackwards compatible
innovations are ultimately tailored for special access needs and then
those with special access needs gain improved access and improved
lifestyle too.

Let us evaluate this thought. Do those with special access needs want to
hear: a) hey, you are going to browse the web with up and down arrows
keys on a Netscape 1.0 compatible browser because all web experiences
have been stepped down to meet text and hyperlink only 1993-style tech
levels. Or would they rather be told: b) hey, you are going to browse
the web with a modern innovative browser hybrid product that can read
and speak aloud specially prepared web pages, can react to your spoken
word input and understands the gesticulations of a wireless air mouse.  

So coder, innovation first. Even in something as humble as JavaScript

Warmest regards, 
Peter Sawczynec 
Technology Dir.
Sun-code Interactive 
ps at

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Daniel Convissor
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 6:22 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Dynamic Form Elements


> while it was google that non-standardly JS'd, ajaxed, custom API'd 
> and gadgeted their way to monster acceptance

First, Google works just fine for folks with JavaScript turned off.

Second, the search engine and advertising prowess has more to do with 
their success than their JavaScript mojo.


... snipping ...  a novel concept ...

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