[nycphp-talk] javascript calling php function -- now question on Ajax

Susan Shemin susan_shemin at
Mon Feb 18 23:20:53 EST 2008

My quick fix didn't work because it put entries into the database as the page loaded -- but they were there...

Anyway, Ajax is usually used to open an external file into a div, and it uses a form to send the request.  What I want to do is trigger a php script to run when someone clicks a certain anchor URL.  I guess you would call it my own stats attempt.  So I have no form, and nothing to be displayed on the current page because the user is going to URL from the click.

Please be gentle with me -- but what am I missing and is it at all possible, Ajax or not?


----- Original Message ----
From: Susan Shemin <susan_shemin at>
To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 1:33:17 PM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] javascript calling php function

I so wanted to avoid using Ajax only because my webpages are simple ones.  I've implemented Ajax on another website, and I'll just bring it over here.  Or, I'll might stay with the "you have an error" message in the status line, because the function is working -- the data from the called function does go into my database.  My users are mostly low tech, and they probably wouldn't notice the error, but I know how I react when I see "Done, with errors" at a major website!
Thanks for the responses.

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