[nycphp-talk] Charsets are still driving me nuts

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Wed Feb 27 20:35:56 EST 2008

b 26, 2008, at 5:46 PM, Cliff Hirsch wrote:
 I have been validating textareas using ctype_print
> Are you using utf-8 encoding?  What do you need to validate/sanitize with the
> textareas?  That the input is using the correct character set?  Need to strip
> html from it?  I've had pretty good luck with using utf-8 and having text cut
> and pasted from MS Word come through fine.

I have been waffling between 8859-1 and utf-8. Regarding validating a text
area ‹ good question. No stripping necessary. I though ctype_print looked
good ‹ any reasonable printable character. Maybe textarea doesn¹t need to be
validated/sanitized if everything is escaping properly? I thought the
browser took care of the charset, but don¹t know for sure.
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