[nycphp-talk] Why do "cool kids" choose PHP to build websites instead of Java

Tim Gales tgales at
Sat Jan 12 10:34:22 EST 2008

Elliotte Harold wrote:
> Michael Southwell wrote:
>> ah, no, these answers are exactly right, given that $a is an integer, 
>> $b and $c are strings, and $d is unset. $b and $c when converted to 
>> integers for the purpose of comparison in #1 and #3 turn into 0 (zero) 
>> so the comparisons are true. #2 compares two different strings and so 
>> is false. #4 compares 0 to the integer of unset and so is true. #5 and 
>> #6 compare strings to the string of unset and so are false.
> Yes, this is what PHP does. It's just that what PHP does is insane. It 
> does not match any normal, logical thought process.
Insane may be overly harsh -- how about 'unorthodox'?

It does strike me, though, that there are an awfully large
number of questions to the internals list asking whether a
certain behavior is expected or not.


T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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