[nycphp-talk] Emails not being received when using mail()

A. lists at
Mon Jan 14 17:37:00 EST 2008

Hi Everyone,

I'm having trouble with my form processing script for the first time; 
some of the email addresses I'm sending the results to aren't receiving 
anything. The server sending the mail is Linux, in a shared hosting 

I've googled for a solution and understand that this probably has to do 
with spam filters on some mail servers flagging the mail as junk and/or 
the PHP ini directive sendmail_from either being set incorrectly or not 
matching the "From:" header in the email headers. For the record, 
sendmail_from on the server I'm using has "no value" according to phpinfo().

Can anyone advise me on the best work-round? Would I be better of using 
the Pear Mail package or maybe trying a PHP class like PHPMailer?


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