[nycphp-talk] Web metrics, performance, business ideas, and programming in your jammies...

Tim Gales tgales at
Sat Jan 19 21:17:33 EST 2008

David Krings wrote:
> leam wrote:
>> Not a question of "can you make it more performant?" as that's easy to
>> answer. I'm looking at "Is there a web metric that makes it more viable
>> for a small start up to spend time maintaining non-mainstream software
>> collections than using standard tools like Apache, Linux, and
>> traditional servers"?
> Do you even need these improvements? If your current setup works out, 
> why bother optimizing it and potentially hitting a bunch of problems? 
> Improving performance is always appreciated [...] 

One time I was reviewing some C code which looked like it was
pretty awkwardly constructed.

I asked the guy who wrote it why he did it that way.

He told me that it was because the way the emitter (of the particular c 
compiler we were using) worked -- and he was right his way saved
some cycles.

It seems like there is always some trade off when you optimize

It was like we had introduced a 'mental speed bump' in the
code. It had a pretty high WTF-factor, which whenever anyone
saw it for the first time they wanted an explanation.
That is, they didn't 'appreciate' it -- at least not at first.

(And, the people involved were not generally considered to be 'slow')


T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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