[nycphp-talk] Templating engines

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Wed Jan 23 14:50:48 EST 2008

On 1/23/08 2:33 PM, "Rob Marscher" <rmarscher at> wrote:

> On Jan 23, 2008, at 2:01 PM, Cliff Hirsch wrote:
>> On 1/23/08 1:54 PM, "John Campbell" <jcampbell1 at> wrote:
>>> If there is a separation between the programmer and the template
>>> editor, it presents another problem.  Who is responsible for escaping
>>> the data?
> I decided that the view/template has to be responsible for escaping.

I can't see how it can't be a mix. What if your variable intentionally has
markup? Some content may allow, and intentionally have, simple markup like
<b>, <ul/li>, <br> etc. Escaping this variable in the template would not be
a good thing.

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