[nycphp-talk] mysql slow Internet connection trickery

csnyder chsnyder at
Sat Jul 5 12:27:11 EDT 2008

> What might work well is some kind of headless server-in-a-box to run the
> local server.  Something fairly low-profile, portable, and unobtrusive, thus
> less likely than a laptop to get stolen by petty thieves (many people
> wouldn't even know what it was).  This would be far better than having to
> install the local application on each laptop, from viewpoints of
> installation, maintenance, and security.

HP T5735 is along the lines of what you want. Sold as a thin client,
it also makes an excellent, low-power thin server when running a LAMP

Or you could just use a beat-up old laptop, which has the advantage of
battery backup when the power goes out.


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