[nycphp-talk] CSS problem???

Mark Armendariz lists at
Sun Jul 27 16:12:25 EDT 2008

Justin Dearing wrote:
> On 7/27/08, Mark Armendariz <lists at> wrote:
>>  When you really decide you don't like yourself anymore, start reading up on
>> IE's "hasLayout" property.
> I never encountered that property before but it sounds like something
> Raymond Chen would think is a good idea.
> _______________________________________________

It's a beast.  Here's some misc. description I found with a quick search:

""Layout" is an IE/Win proprietary concept that determines how elements 
draw and bound their content, interact with and relate to other 
elements, and react on and transmit application/user events."

And then later...

"Consequences of an element having, or not having "layout" can include:

    * Many common IE float bugs.
    * Boxes themselves treating basic properties differently.
    * Margin collapsing between a container and its descendants.
    * Various problems with the construction of lists.
    * Differences in the positioning of background images.
    * Differences between browsers when using scripting."

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