[nycphp-talk] amazon aws

Max Gribov max at
Fri Jun 6 17:30:45 EDT 2008

Hans Zaunere wrote:
> >From speaking with him, it certainly is a interesting service, and at some
> point, probably will be the wave of the future.  However, I got a very
> "experimental" feel from him.  This perhaps is highlighted by their SLA and
> some recent - and significant - outage problems.  At the end of the day, the
> price point just didn't make sense and I'm focused back to good old regular
> hosting.
Yeah, I also got a feel of "beta" from this... It does seem cool though.
One thing i heard about it, is that all the ip's they use are published 
in various spam blacklists by Amazon themselves - for obvious reasons.
So if i wanted to send out any kind of email, id have to outsource it..

Thanks to all who replied!

Im going to try them out, and post if i find anything really 
interesting/cool/sucky about them..

> ---
> Hans Zaunere / President / New York PHP
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