[nycphp-talk] CMS - Estimating Hours

BAS lists at
Thu Mar 27 16:50:38 EDT 2008

Thanks for the additional info & caveats, Jake. Looks like I've got a 
bit more searching & reading to do...


Jake McGraw wrote:
>>  Re payment gateways, It's my understanding that the handling of credit
>>  card transactions is done via the payment gateway's servers--i.e. if the
>>  client has a merchant account (or pays for gateway services that provide
>>  one for a fee), then all I need to be concerned with is that the
>>  shopping cart can interface securely with the gateway?
> That is correct, but if the shopping cart doesn't natively support
> your gateway, well, then you've got some work to do.
> Integration is where you're going to find the biggest headaches,
> because then you'll have to get into custom module development for
> Drupal, which isn't as bad as it sounds, but it is not something you
> should do when you're "on the clock" and haven't tried it yet.
> My first suggestion is to find out what is the MINIMUM feature set
> your client is willing to launch with. It sounds like they want to
> start an e-commerce store + some CMS features, perhaps the best place
> to start would be:
> In fact, you'll find there are  TON of well supported modules
> available for Drupal, I'd hit up Google (drupal + <feature you're
> researching>) before attempting to create anything from stratch.
> - jake

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