[nycphp-talk] CMS - Estimating Hours

BAS lists at
Sat Mar 29 03:11:46 EDT 2008

Kristina Anderson wrote:
> Also, if you have any programming questions, put them out there now 
> rather than later so that you can educate yourself and be able to back 
> up your employer's request to justify why it will take the amount of 
> time it will take.  

Good advice. As a matter fact, I installed both Drupal & Joomla Thursday 
in the hopes that I can take a good long peek under the hood this 
weekend to see what I'm up against before I submit my estimate to her.

> Good luck!  You will learn a lot doing this and have fun too :)

Thanks--I'll probably need all the luck, caffeine, and nicotine I can 
get my hands on!

Bev ;-)

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