[nycphp-talk] rounding time values to the nearest hour

Tom Sartain tomsartain at
Thu May 1 12:16:17 EDT 2008

If you're grouping results from MySQL, you should definitely look into using
the built in MySQL date/time functions first. The database will pretty much
always be better at grouping, filtering and organizing your data than code
would be.

The date function page is here:

But since you're not grouping by hours on the hour, but hours on the half
hour, I'd suggest writing a MySQL function to do that grouping for you, then
call that in your query. More info on functions:

You might actually be able to search out some functions that others have
written that do similar things, since it doesn't seem like you're trying to
do something that nobody else has ever done.


On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 12:33 PM, Allen Shaw <ashaw at> wrote:

> John Campbell wrote:
> > round(seconds / 3600)
> > e.g.
> >
> > ROUND(TIME_TO_SEC('00:39:38')/3600) ;
> >
> Should have thought of converting to seconds... doh!  Thanks John and
> Brent.
> - A.
> --
> Allen Shaw
> slidePresenter (
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