[nycphp-talk] ColdFusion vs PHP (Ruby, Perl....)

Webmaster consult at
Fri May 2 12:31:40 EDT 2008

I think you've misread my exchange. I'll reply off list.

tedd wrote:
> At 9:00 AM -0400 5/2/08, Webmaster wrote:
>> If you don't care, then why even give your two cents?
> To try to show that there are better ways of expressing yourself 
> besides insulting someone. There was no need nor purpose in your manner.
>> I think you're baiting me into some sort of pointless "I'm more 
>> professional than you" argument, and I'm not going to bite.
> You may "bite" or not, I don't care. But I do care about how we 
> (professional programmers) treat each other. Take my comments to 
> heart, or don't. Typically, people who help others do so with grace. 
> Those who don't usually have issues of their own to deal with. You 
> project the persona you want.
>> Maybe you should ask Kristina if she feels insulted, instead of 
>> chauvinistically projecting your perception unto her.
> I did and then I responded to you -- so your assumption otherwise is 
> as wrong as the rest of the comments you've made.
> Look, I'm not trying to start anything -- I'm just saying insults 
> accomplish nothing and are certainly not professional.
> Cheers,
> tedd

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