[nycphp-talk] OT: Evite-Like Service

Paul A Houle paul at
Tue Nov 18 09:47:09 EST 2008

Rolan Yang wrote:
> Recently something similar was thrown into my lap. I set up a single 
> web page describing the event, a paypal product button at the bottom 
> to make payment, and configured the paypal to redirect to a 
> confirmation page back on my site afterwards which requested 
> additional information from the attendee. This process was also backed 
> up by Paypal IPN to deter any fraud (no one even attempted - non 
> technical crowd). If the user makes a payment but quits before 
> redirecting back, at least you still have their payment and contact 
> info logged on Paypal.
    I implemented something very similar to support boat reservations.  
Note that Paypal/Verisign payment processing gives you a number of 
options:  the cheap-o Paypal account tries very aggressively to get 
people to sign up with Paypal rather than just letting them type in a 
credit card.  Many vendors feel that this results in (i) more abandoned 
shopping carts,  and (ii) damage to their brand,  so they use a slightly 
more expensive service that's more user friendly.

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