[nycphp-talk] Need a code diagrammer

David Krings ramons at
Fri Sep 19 12:42:25 EDT 2008

Justin Dearing wrote:

> 3) It has to handle non object code and smarty templates. Most of my
> code is contained in classes, but I have a file of functions that are

Huh? Aren't you supposed to make those diagrams before you write code? This is 
how they teach it in school and so far I met only one developer who does that 
(isn't me). His code is flawless most of the time.

> not in a static class and I'd like to to diagram the scripts in the
> webroot. I also don't want it to compile the smarty templates into PHP
> and diagram them.

The only application I ever saw for this task is this one:
It will cost you, which is something you may not have planned on.

> 4) (Unrelated) Does anyone know of a tool for diagramming MS SQL
> databases? Visio's "Reverse engineer database" is ok, Sql management
> studio database diagrams are slightly better, but lack view support.
> Neither will diagram stored procs or functions, even though Visio
> claims it will. if anyone has a closed source tool that does this, I
> have a small open source database (will be released with the app after
> I give my presentation) and I can email you a small MDF or the sql
> schema. if you can get me a schema diagram appropriately sized for a
> powerpoint slide.

I work with some MSSQL gurus...I'll ask them.


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