[nycphp-talk] SWF -> JPEG/GIF?

David Krings ramons at
Fri Sep 19 12:49:21 EDT 2008

bzcoder wrote:
> 2) I fiddled with some shell scripts on my mythtv box at home to convert 
> tv to flash video format suitable for playing on the wii[so I could 
> record to my PC and than watch it over the wireless network on the TV 
> using the WII]

In case you are interested in something that requires less fiddling you can 
try the RivaVX encoder. Free to use and idiotproof (that's why I use it). It 
has two disadvantages, it runs only on Windoze and doesn't handle german 
Umlaute, unless they recently fixed that. One would guess they tested that 
since it is a german company....

Coming back to the original question. Does it need to be an automated process? 
How many videos would be need to be thumbnailed? If that is for adding a few 
dozen files once in a while making a quick screenshot is probably the easiest 
and quickest way, less kewl though.


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