[nycphp-talk] php script timeout not working

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Sun Apr 5 18:16:31 EDT 2009

Hi Corey:

On Sun, Apr 05, 2009 at 04:28:20PM -0400, Corey H Maass - wrote:
> set_time_limit(1);

set_time_limit() works for your PHP code.  Streams, in a way, are outside 
your PHP code.

> $handle = fopen("http://localhost/s3uploader.php", "r");
> stream_set_timeout($handle, 1);
> But neither timeout is working - it sits and spins while the upload
> takes place. Any ideas?

That's not working because you're opening and reading the file directly.  
The timeout setting has no effect because you haven't gotten to that line 

Two options.  Use fsockopen() instead of fopen(), see the 
stream_set_timeout() documentation for examples.  Or use 
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 1) before you call fopen().


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