[nycphp-talk] Best practices for naming conventions & coding style?

lists at lists at
Tue Apr 28 23:10:05 EDT 2009

Ajai Khattri wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Apr 2009, lists at wrote:
>> Re your friend, yikes! I know what you mean about using $counter. I
>> figured out that $i or $n stands for an integer, but it still throws me
>> off sometimes when I see something like $l in someone's example code
>> (below)... what is the "l" supposed to stand for? Or does it depend on
>> the context?
> Its mainly a historical thing. The same way every first program says 
> 'Hello World'. Even when I was a kid learning BASIC, popular programming 
> books still used i, j and k (or I%, J% and K% in BBC BASIC :-)

Ahhh, okay. Thanks.

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