[nycphp-talk] Working with designers

Kristina D. H. Anderson ka at
Sun Aug 23 11:15:44 EDT 2009

>>The designer's job is to care that every pixel falls perfectly into
>>place, and the person handling production should answer to them.
>>Regardless of where your designer falls (in those 4 well spelled out
>>categories), you should receive quality final production html / css /
>>(sometimes js) that they've approved and are happy with before you
>>even begin integrating.

Amen, and from your lips to the Department of Answering Programmers' 
Prayers' ears...because it's so true, any conversation containing the 
dreaded word "PIXEL" is not one we want to have.  Funny how they always 
act as though you're the first one to have the effrontery to tell them 
just exactly what they can DO... with their PIXEL... as IF. :>

I don't mind if the form code is a bit raw and I certainly don't insist 
on any scripting being provided, or on a full understanding of XHTML 
syntax as it may relate to what exactly I'm trying to do here, but for 
goodness' sake just hack something together, so that the forsaken 
PIXELs are all where they should be and we can all move on to the next 

That way, if you don't hear from me with some utterly incomprehensible 
and probably completely insane concern about how your PIXEL just simply 
cannot reside in the precise place in the universe where you wish it to 
reside without causing undue havoc, you can assume that yes, your PIXEL 
is just exactly where you left it yesterday, safe and sound.

Kristina, a/k/a "I'm really trying to care about your pixel, but it's 
just not working"

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