[nycphp-talk] Advice on setting for testing server

Eddie Drapkin oorza2k5 at
Tue Aug 25 14:54:57 EDT 2009

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 2:46 PM,
lists at<lists at> wrote:
> Chris Snyder wrote:
>> It's a good idea to set up a wiki for your personal use as a sysadmin,
>> to store recipes like this, and make them easy to update with each new
>> install. The only thing worse than spending hours getting a
>> configuration exactly right is realizing two years later that you
>> didn't paste-and-save it anywhere.
> I've been meaning to do that for the longest time for browser bugs &
> such. As a matter of fact, I even set up a a couple of wikis at one
> point and then abandoned them because I didn't care for the way they
> worked.
> I guess now would be the optimal time to start over as I'll likely be
> tripping myself up quite a bit during the learning process.
> Do you have any recommendations on a good one to use?
> Bev
> _______________________________________________
> New York PHP User Group Community Talk Mailing List

I maintain a wiki that other people have to use, so I use MediaWiki,
because it's pretty unlikely that there's anyone I'm likely to work
with that is unfamiliar with the layout and features it offers,
because of wikipedia's prevalance.  It's relatively easy to install
and hack at, so I'd recommend it.

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