[nycphp-talk] OOP, Frameworks, ONLAMP, and NYPHP

Hans Zaunere lists at
Sat Aug 29 18:37:18 EDT 2009

> > Regarding PHundamentals, it's certainly been a great resource over the
> > thanks to the time and effort put into it, and the quality/participation
> > the list members.
> >
> > It has, obviously, stalled and become a bit outdated itself.  Picking
> > back up would be a great thing, although time obviously is always the
> > scarce commodity.  If someone would want to help picking them back up,
> > be a great thing.
> >
> > And in fact with today's Web 2.0 facey-spaces and twitter-books, perhaps
> > even more value would come.  As part of PHundamentals, we could also
> > construct an open source project to facilitate the PHundamentals
> >
> > We'd just need some people (far or near to NYC) to help out... takers?

> Hi Hans,

Hi Bev,

> I can't offer much in the way of expertise, but I can certainly offer my
> time. It's the least I can do considering what a great resource this
> list has been. The way I see it, helping out in some capacity would not
> only allow me to give back a little, but would also almost surely result
> in learning something new & useful.

Actually expertise isn't required... just time and organization :)

For everyone's benefit, let me recap quickly how PHunnys have worked in the

The original concept was to form articles based on mailing list/community
feedback and sharing of experience.  Perhaps it could be considered an early
"crowdsourcing" before it became a buzzword.

So the PHunnys editor would pose a question to the list, encourage
discussion, ask for other opinions, and try to garner as much feedback/etc
as possible.  Then, build the responses into an article and post it online.

Originally, the purpose was to form best practices articles, but I could see
this expanding - for instance, to include a general tally/poll/listing of
people's techniques, and pros/cons of each (rather than just a single best

Take for instance the recent/ongoing discussion about short tags and server
settings.  A lot of good information has travelled the list because of these
threads, and the PHunny editor would combine these into an article.

The topics of discussion would also be "crowd sourced" and I have a listing
somewhere of some topics we had considered covering in the past.

> Please feel free to contact me directly if you feel I can make a useful
> contribution of some kind.

Thanks again Bev, I'll also follow-up with you directly as well.

I also encourage anyone else who might be interested in participating, to
join the Org list - we can continue general organizational discussion over



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