[nycphp-talk] OOP, Frameworks, ONLAMP, and NYPHP

lists at lists at
Sat Aug 29 18:59:55 EDT 2009

Hans Zaunere wrote:
>> I can't offer much in the way of expertise, but I can certainly offer my
>> time. It's the least I can do considering what a great resource this
>> list has been. The way I see it, helping out in some capacity would not
>> only allow me to give back a little, but would also almost surely result
>> in learning something new & useful.
> Actually expertise isn't required... just time and organization :)
> For everyone's benefit, let me recap quickly how PHunnys have worked in the
> past....


> I also encourage anyone else who might be interested in participating, to
> join the Org list - we can continue general organizational discussion over
> there.

Hans, this sounds great. Your other email just came in, so I'm going to
sign up for the Org list and then I'll read through what you sent.


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