[nycphp-talk] PHP and SOAP

Gary Mort garyamort at
Thu Dec 3 13:55:57 EST 2009

On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Aaron Fischer <afischer at> wrote:

> 3)  NuSOAP package -
NuSOAP has one small gotcha.  A lot of SOAP interfaces are designed for
Java/Ruby.  This means they support things like having multiple soap
function calls and choosing which function to use based on the variables
being passe
For example:
$people = new Directory();

$person = $people->FindPerson("firstname", "lastname");

$employeeId = 12345;
$person = $people->FindPerson($employeeId);

Based on the variables, Java and Ruby know which functions to use.  By the
same token, when mapped to SOAP objects and exposed as functions, you will
have 2 functions defined in the WSDL.

When nuSoap parses the WSDL file, only the LAST function with the same name
is active, all the others are ignored.

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