[nycphp-talk] Returning DB results as XML or JSON?

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Thu Dec 3 22:11:56 EST 2009

On Thu, 3 Dec 2009, Mitch Pirtle wrote:

> Yep - but it's not an everything solution. My apologies if my
> enthusiasm makes it sound that way.

Yeah, it did, kinda :-)

> With noSQL databases like MongoDB, CouchDB, hBase and many more, those
> problems are replaced with new ones sure; but at least we aren't
> banging our heads against the same old ones :^P

No, I get it, and in fact MongoDB is very interesting to me - I attended 
the NoSQL meet in NYC a few weeks ago. Just think we need to step back 
once in awhile and evangelize a little less.

> Actually, I remember when all the CMS projects seemed to be pushing
> jQuery very very hard, and it creeped me out. In hindsight, it should
> be clear to everyone why jQuery was "the topic" back then, as it was
> so desperately needed.

Yes absolutely agree.

> I feel the same way today about being freed from relational databases.

I guess Im more inclined to remind myself that for some situations it 
makes perfect sense but not for every single case :-)

So how's the MongoDB support in Joomla going?


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