[nycphp-talk] cheapest and best way to server 1TB worth of data per month

David Roth davidalanroth at
Thu Dec 24 17:12:17 EST 2009

Considering you are talking about half a million page views a month
and you want it to be fast, I wouldn't consider the shared hosting
options. I say this from experience of using shared hosting services
where performance can take a hit from other heavy users on the same
box. I think I'd explore the dedicated server options.

Do you expect to have steady traffic on the web site, or spikes? With
spikes it might be better to use AWS S3, if it's cost effective and it
can ramp up quickly enough to handle the increase in traffic.

Hope this helps!

David Roth

On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 4:36 PM, Konstantin K <kkrutoi at> wrote:
> looks like godaddy has unlimited plan for $15/month! or 1.5TB/month for
> $7/month
> any comments on this?
> On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Konstantin K <kkrutoi at> wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> I need some expert advice.
>> Let's say I have about 2MB of static data (images, css, js) and I need
>> to serve about 1TB worth of it per month to users who visit this site.
>>  I know that means at least 500,000 page views per month (not
>> considering browsers caching images, etc).
>> What's the cheapest (but still fast) way to serve 1TB worth of static
>> data  per month?
>> A) AWS S3
>>      I think this comes out to about $180/month.
>> B) dedicated server
>>      With nginx or lighttpd
>> C) shared hosting
>>      godaddy?
>> D) ???
>> Thanks,
>> Konstantin

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