[nycphp-talk] PHP Compared to Cold Fusion

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri Feb 6 22:43:18 EST 2009

On Thu, 5 Feb 2009, Ricky Robinett wrote:

> 1) From my experience, ColdFusion development is typically faster than
> PHP development, so even though it costs more per hour it can end up 
> being less hours of development time. In a similar way, someone who 
> hires the cheapest PHP developer could end up spending more than hiring 
> a more expensive PHP developer due to the speed and quality of work.

That's probably true of many programming languages. However, I think you'd 
have a bigger pool to select good PHP programmers from than the pool for 

> 2) A lot of the selling point of CF is that you aren't meant to extend 
> it. It should inherently have what you need already. Although this is
> not the case 100% of the time I think they do a pretty good job of 
> offering a lot of things that you have to extend PHP for (CAPTCHA and 
> PDF creation/manipulation are a couple that come to mind immediately).

To be fair, I see CF as similar to a framework. After all, its written in 
Java right?

> 5) A few high traffic sites (,,
> Also, MySpace was on CF for a while.

The fact that MySpace moved away from CF speaks volumes.

> PHP definitely handles the huge loads better than ColdFusion, and it's 
> something to consider when building an app but I also think it's 
> important to give all languages a fair look. 


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