[nycphp-talk] [ANNOUNCE] Significant Andromeda Documentation Updates

Kenneth Downs ken at
Thu Feb 12 21:23:28 EST 2009

Andromeda today received significant documentation updates.  Our current 
push is to finish off the docs, then we attack the bugs and proceed to 
Release 1.

1) The entire Database Programming section is finished - Andromeda's 
most important feature.

2) A complete section on Database Access has been added.

3) A complete section on modifying the "free" admin screens has been added.

4) Upgrade scripts have been documented.

5) A new section on using x6 plugins has been started and about 1/2 

6) Styles have been added for notices and alerts.

In terms of bug fixes and site improvements we have:

1) The search box was fixed.

2) Search now matches lots of relevant terms to pages, so searching for 
"range_from" gets you to the page on ranged primary keys.

3) The image links are now working.

Kenneth Downs
Secure Data Software, Inc.
631-689-7200   Fax: 631-689-0527
cell: 631-379-0010

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