[nycphp-talk] Parse HTML Files as PHP

Tim Lieberman tim_lists at
Sun Feb 22 14:54:13 EST 2009

On Feb 22, 2009, at 1:20 PM, Peter Sawczynec wrote:

> Okay, well thank you to all for the insightful responses so far.
> So this probably is an SEO issue. In that I am looking at a niche all
> HTML site
> that has been up for awhile and has gained decent google relevancy in
> search results.
> I am concerned that changing all the page names from
> "topic_specific_file_name.html" to
> "topic_specific_file_name.php" might make all the pages appear as all
> new pages to
> google and re-set the search results standing for the entire site.

I'm not an SEO pro, but if there aren't a ton of pages, I'd suggest  
creating new page with the .php suffix, and then redirect the old urls  
to the new ones with 301 status from apache.

This is the proper, official way to move a resource.  And google  
approves of it:



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