[nycphp-talk] State Of The PHP Economy 2009

Michael Southwell michael.southwell at
Tue Jan 13 18:19:01 EST 2009

Brian Dailey wrote:
> How has the economic apocalypse left the PHP world?
> So far I've heard some rumors of job layoffs, but most of them have been 
> relegated to the financial sector. Every freelancer/consultant I know of 
> that has been in business for more than a year is doing great, but 
> recent starters are having a harder time of it.
> Venture capital money is starting to tighten up (but not as much as I 
> thought it would), which more or less affects the PHP world since PHP 
> tends to see more use in startups.

For what if anything it's worth, there is considerable interest in the 
current round of PHP training that NYPHP is offering, more than has been 
typical over the past couple of years. This suggests (to me at least) 
that there is plenty of demand out there.

Michael Southwell
Vice President, Education

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