[nycphp-talk] State Of The PHP Economy 2009

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Tue Jan 13 21:23:43 EST 2009

> For what if anything it's worth, there is considerable interest in the
>> current round of PHP training that NYPHP is offering, more than has been
>> typical over the past couple of years. This suggests (to me at least) that
>> there is plenty of demand out there.
My friend teaches Microsoft office training for a career skills type
company. He said initially they got a large amount of business when people
got laid off. Now the same people are still laid off so no one is coming in
for training.

I think the curve will be more subtle for PHP programmers and there are
external factors. For example, recent college graduates will probably engage
in a lot of self directed learning. I think overall PHP, and other
technology fields  will see a less pronounced bump in training, followed by
a sharp decline. Just smoother than the workforce in general.
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