[nycphp-talk] Caching, proxies, sharding and other scaling questions

Hans Zaunere lists at
Fri Jul 24 18:24:05 EDT 2009

> >
> Yes, I forgot about that great site.

And I'm sure many on this list have experience in this field too...

> We're toying with using memcache but the $M question is: how many memcache
> servers will we need? Is it just a case of testing-tweaking-testing or are
> there some ballpark figures I can a least use as a starting point?

Well Facebook has TBs up in memcache.  In fact, much of their architecture
depends on it.

If you need to deal with scaling, there's no answer to questions like "how
many..." or "how much..."  If those were known numbers, it wouldn't be
scaling.  Rather, start thinking in terms of "where is" and "how do I" - for
example, "where are the expected pressure points in my application" and "how
do I let that scale."  It's an architectural question, rather than a
quantitative one, which is specifically complex to what your application


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