[nycphp-talk] Caching, proxies, sharding and other scaling questions

Jake McGraw jmcgraw1 at
Fri Jul 24 18:25:21 EDT 2009

Whats your data size like? How many requests per second do you plan on

The easiest route for switching some of your data store routines from
a relational database to a key/value store (memcache is nice,
personally, I'm becoming a big fan of Redis) is to set up a single
instance and see how it handles the load. For example, with modern
hardware, value look up from a single, untaxed instance of memcache
should take around 1ms. At a certain point, based almost entirely on
traffic, that'll go up. When it gets to an undesirable level, throw in
another memcache instance and hash the keys to spread the load (or
allow your memcached client to hash the keys for you). Continue this
until some other bottleneck rears its head.

- jake

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 5:58 PM, Ajai Khattri<ajai at> wrote:
> On Fri, 24 Jul 2009, Brian Dailey wrote:
> Yes, I forgot about that great site.
> We're toying with using memcache but the $M question is: how many memcache
> servers will we need? Is it just a case of testing-tweaking-testing or are
> there some ballpark figures I can a least use as a starting point?
> --
> Aj.
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