[nycphp-talk] Caching, proxies, sharding and other scaling questions

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri Jul 24 18:45:48 EDT 2009

On Fri, 24 Jul 2009, Jake McGraw wrote:

> Whats your data size like? How many requests per second do you plan on
> handling?

Its a very big site. Last year, we handled a total of 945 million page 
views. And we expect those numbers to go up of course :-)

> a relational database to a key/value store (memcache is nice,
> personally, I'm becoming a big fan of Redis) is to set up a single
> instance and see how it handles the load.

Yes, my thoughts exactly. (BTW, I also looked at Redis earlier today, but 
I have yet to see a comparison with memcache). Any thoughts?

> For example, with modern
> hardware, value look up from a single, untaxed instance of memcache
> should take around 1ms. At a certain point, based almost entirely on
> traffic, that'll go up. When it gets to an undesirable level, throw in
> another memcache instance and hash the keys to spread the load (or
> allow your memcached client to hash the keys for you). Continue this
> until some other bottleneck rears its head.

We know where the bottle necks are, so right now its a case of selecting 
some solutions to test with.


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