[nycphp-talk] Best Cell Phone for a PHP Programmer

Guilherme Blanco guilhermeblanco at
Tue Jul 28 14:33:48 EDT 2009

Hi guys,

I own an unlocked iPhone 3G.
With it, you can install terminal, apache, gcc and compile PHP. By
doing it, you can even create a PHP-GTK application.
Also, it seems there's a port from mono to be incorporated by iPhone
soon, which means all .NET applications can run on it too. With that,
just install Phalanger on your Visual Studio and be nice coding in PHP
and running it on your iPhone.

BUT... if you are open mind... I already heard good things about Linux
mobile phones... OpenMoko.


On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 2:25 PM, Chris Snyder<chsnyder at> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Ajai Khattri<ajai at> wrote:
>> On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Chris Snyder wrote:
>>> I wonder how many App Store "native" apps are really HTML+JS "web"
>>> apps and use Objective-C to display a WebKit view of local files? Like
>>> Dashboard widgets, but for the phone. I know there is at least one
>>> framework that makes this easy to do.
>> Phonegap?
> That's one ( and it builds cross-platform apps,
> too. Very nice, have you used it?
> Of all the latest phone OSes, Android seems the most capable as far as
> having the freedom to get the phone to do exactly what you want. If
> you don't like the music player it ships with, you can build a better
> one without sacrificing the ability to play tracks in the background.
> The only caveat is that you'll be building it in Java.
> The Pre sounds like it's the easiest in which to build rich apps. Has
> anyone here actually tried the SDK yet?
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> New York PHP User Group Community Talk Mailing List

Guilherme Blanco - Web Developer
CBC - Certified Bindows Consultant
Cell Phone: +55 (16) 9215-8480
MSN: guilhermeblanco at
São Paulo - SP/Brazil

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