[nycphp-talk] stopping comment spam with PHP

Konstantin Rozinov krozinov at
Tue Jun 2 16:11:29 EDT 2009

Hi guys,

I'm interested in hearing what kind of classes, packages, solutions
the professionals on this list use to protect their sites against spam
in relation to comments.
For example, users commenting on other user's pages like Facebook or
any social networking site.

I am not using WordPress, Drupal, or other CMS, blog software,
frameworks, so plugins for those won't work, but maybe I can learn
something from them.

Basically, I'm interested in hearing opinions on different options to
block comment spam.

Currently, I'm only using a visual CAPTCHA, but I'm afraid that that
is easily defeatable.

I've also heard of using hidden form fields, and checking if they're
filled in or not on the backend when the form is processed.

Any other ideas?


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