[nycphp-talk] Periodic group availability

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans at
Thu Jun 4 08:05:10 EDT 2009

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Peter Sawczynec
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 10:39 PM
To: 'NYPHP Talk'
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Periodic group availability

Now, me I don't guarantee anything (especially not in writing), but I do use
words such as code is "targeted for assured compatibility with" blah blah.

As far as I can tell, speaking with one handy broad paint stroke, as long as
the JavaScript code in question is always addressing everything in the DOM
via the general and proper "getElementById()" method including XML=like
child elements (and nothing in any older style), then this JavaScript code
is current, correct and sufficiently "cross browser, platform independent"
to work in all relevant and widely-distributed browsers. If this type of
modern democratic ECMAScript breaks in any old browser, then it is very
likely that that browser is TOO old and is likely a security hazard to code
down to in this day and age. And so I wouldn't bother to do that and I would
tell the client so. And that gets the "old browser compatibility" albatross
off the table too. Yeah, nice.

And so once again, I find that Opera, IE, Safari and FF can all play ball
just by coding to clean modern standards.

I don't use layouts that stretch to 100% page width. That is a CSS control
nightmare. I make one master relatively positioned outer div container of a
fixed width of 900 - 1100 px and then every other div is an absolutely
positioned child div inside the master div.  

--- New Message --

First, we might want to take this over to the front-end list.  I am cross
posting this to that list so the discussion can continue on the relevant
list.  I can imagine there are some people rolling their eyes right now.

Second, how are you handling your CSS menus with no browser specific coding?
I would love to see some examples.  I know I haven't found a way without
some browser specific coding and CSS.

Hans K

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