[nycphp-talk] PHP: Display Adobe PSD files on a web page

Darryle Steplight dsteplight at
Wed Jun 17 10:58:39 EDT 2009

It looks like you are not actually displaying the PSD on the webpage.
The class just converts the PSD into a JPEG and then displays the JPG
to the browser. If you have Photoshop, I feel you might as well do
this yourself before uploading the image. Uploading JPGs versus PSD is
much faster and saves space anyway.

I guess it's cool that there is a class with these abilities, but I
can't see this being terribly useful. It's cool in those emergency
cases where you only have the PSD version of a file.

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:21 AM, Edward Potter<edwardpotter at> wrote:
> A small library that slipped under the radar.  Seems like could be
> pretty important to some image wranglers ...  ?
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