[nycphp-talk] APC for a custom PHP session handler

Steve Manes smanes at
Wed Mar 25 12:31:02 EDT 2009

John Campbell wrote:
> Assuming a single server solution, you are trading persistence for
> performance.  IMO, the performance gain is trivial unless you are
> constantly modifying your sessions.
> I use a trick that eliminates 95% of session related disk I/O, and
> relies on two principles:
> 1) Only write the session data if it has actually changed.
> 2) Update the access time on read, but allow for a window (e.g.
> Sessions last 5 hours, but are only extended if they are accessed when
> 0-2 hours remains on the session)

I already know the relative merits of database vs shared memory data 
stores.  I want to see if there are any issues with using APC for PHP 
session storage.  I've been testing a Drupal module I wrote to use APC 
user cache and it's worked well for several months.  But I don't know if 
there are any curve balls in using APC for session storage.

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