[nycphp-talk] [0T] Verizon FIOS -- comments?

Ben Sgro ben at
Fri May 15 16:48:34 EDT 2009


Oh, free account. Ok - I just pay the $15/year and be done with it.
Well worth it for their service.

- Ben

Michael Hernandez wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-05-15 at 16:25 -0400, Ben Sgro wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Woah - I've never heard of such a thing. I've been using dydns for 
>> almost 4 years now, my IP rarely changes,
>> and I've never had an interruption of service.
>> Did they specifically say they canceled your account due to "lack of 
>> dynamicness" heh?
>> Strange -
>> - Ben
> First they emailed to say "we've noticed your IP address hasn't changed
> in a while". Then they emailed to say "sorry buddy, sign up for another
> free account when your IP is more dynamic". Then a few days later, my IP
> changed finally, and I was stuck.
> Might just be a term of service for free accounts? Who knows? But at
> least it gave me an excuse to learn about's web
> service :)
> --Mike H
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