[nycphp-talk] [0T] Verizon FIOS -- comments?

Hans Zaunere lists at
Wed May 20 18:52:36 EDT 2009

> > That is the part that I still don't get as a foreigner. Why is most of
> > infrastructure here in the US in such a bad state?
> That is the price we pay for things getting invented over here. Radio
> is another example. First time I saw a car radio in Switzerland and
> the name of the song was displaying I almost had a heart attack. Then
> I used something called TeleText to check the news on a TV, without
> internet access.
> Simple things to a European, but totally tomorrow-land stuff to an
> American. We may have invented TV and radio over here, but we also are
> stuck supporting the caveman-era technologies that were rolled out
> when they were first invented.

I think this is very true - the exact same can be said for why the roads
suck in the Northeast while in other parts of the country you get the
sprawling highways of tomorrow (and yet everyone still drives 50 MPH there).

Anyway, I read this a while back and it's an interesting series:

And for the record, I have FIOS and really can't complain - I switched from
TWC and haven't looked back.  The only slightly annoying thing is that the
first-hop latency is about 20ms which they won't do anything about.  It's
hard to notice but just sort of annoying.

That said, I don't have any servers at home anymore (amazing!) so I haven't
really checked out any ports.  I suppose I could move back to my
home connection and see if it still works :)


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