[nycphp-talk] CMS - Textpattern

Peter Becker peterbsemail at
Sat Nov 7 12:50:49 EST 2009

Hi all -
Are any of you familiar with or have used a CMS called Textpattern?  I 
recently have begun working with a designer who uses Textpattern which 
is his CMS of choice. We're still in the evaluation process of my other 
project for a CMS system (thank you for your contributions, and will 
report back here the results when complete) and no one NYPHP Talk had 
brought that one up.  So I was curious as to whether it didn't even make 
the first cut, or just that it is not well known/used, which can be 
indicative of an inferior product at worst or one without a lot of 
support at best.  Any light shed is appreciated.
Once again - thanks,

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