[nycphp-talk] IDE for PHP extension development?

Ben Sgro ben at
Tue Nov 17 18:15:45 EST 2009

Hello Mitch,

Your writing your extension in c correct? So, XCode will work fine, and 
you don't really have to trick it out
as it will provide you a variety of options for writing in C. Its 
probably the best IDE you'll find next to Visual Studios
for doing C development (your on a Mac, so Xcode it is).

I use xcode almost every day for obj-c/c dev and I think its amazing - 
GDB takes a little getting used to,
but your not going to get a much better toolset on Mac, especially for C 

I wouldn't be surprised if there are even Project Templates available 
for PHP extension development using Xcode,
just to help you hit the ground running.

- Ben

Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> Ok, digging deep into my first PHP extension, and before I got too far
> along I determined that eclipse and pdt were NOT the most efficient
> tools to be using.
> Maybe I'm just lazy or picky, but I thought I'd ask what other folks
> used for developing PHP extensions.
> I see XCode (yes, I'm on a fruity computer) wants to open all .h
> files, so I'm assuming XCode is an option as well. No idea if I can
> trick it out specifically for PHP extension development though.
> Thoughts? Comments?
> -- Mitch
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