[nycphp-talk] front end design

selyah selyah1 at
Fri Nov 20 20:50:35 EST 2009

Hello Guys:
I am hoping that I can get a direction to take on this issue.  I have designed a back-end program using Java.   The purpose of this program is to be used as an inventory of items in the home or small office.  I could use PHP embeded into HTML, but then I would have to make it a part of the browser, which is not my intension (at least i think ).
I am using Java because of its cross platform capability.
The issue is, can anyone direct me on a interface to use that would serve as a front-end for this program.
I have never done front end programming before that was not related to a database so I am a bit at a lost  as to how or where to begin.
Thanks in advance
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