[nycphp-talk] Good DB abstraction layer

Paul A Houle paul at
Thu Oct 1 12:17:00 EDT 2009

Guilherme Blanco wrote:
> The PDO will be only considered a true abstraction layer when it fixes
> a couple of very painful issues it has.
> One good example is retrieving more than a single BLOB column from an
> Oracle database table.. it crashes PHP and most of the times, Apache.
> Patch was already submitted to Chris, but it's far from complete and
> until now there's no viable solution to be merged into PHP.
    Yeah,  I still use AdoDB for most projects (despite the fact that 
it's bloated) because I looked at the PDO API and it just didn't do 
things the way I want to do things.  It struck me as yet another API for 
application programmers written by a system programmer who'd never 
written an application of the type that's getting supported.

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