[nycphp-talk] manipulating an IMAP account

David Mintz david at
Fri Oct 2 11:21:22 EDT 2009

If you were working on a Zend Framework application, and if you were writing
a simple script to log into an IMAP email account, fetch messages, iterate
through them finding ones matching particular criteria, do something with
the information in each of those messages, delete the message, and call it a
day... And if you found that Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap has a flawed
implementation of removeMessage(), because it sends an EXPUNGE command on
every invocation and thereby screws up the class'  ArrayAccess
implementation by disrupting the mapping between message numbers and
messages... then what would you do?

One option that occurs to me is to extend Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap and
override the parts that are giving me grief. But.... is that sound practice?

Another option: write it in another language entirely. I happen to speak
Perl. Anybody want to recommend a mature IMAP client module?

Another option: seize the opportunity to write it in some language I don't
know, being an ADD-afflicted sort who I loves running off on tangents...
Ruby? Python?

Any other suggestions?

David Mintz

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